Clear Communications Experts, your voice is your handshake.
Accented professionals can often be misunderstood, passed over for advancement, or not hired. A lack of communication clarity should never hold back your most qualified employees. Selecting a qualified, professional trainer to help work with your staff to reduce their accents is the key to the success; of your company and your employees.
Your employees are the voice of your company. Non-native English speaking professionals interact with clients or may be management candidates. Make the most of your investment; create a more loyal employee by offering accent reduction training from Master Your Accent.
Many foreign-born professionals experience barriers when communicating which affects their professional development and subsequently, the growth of an organization and operation. At Master Your Accent company we are able to help employees overcome these communication challenges.
Corporations often Sponsor our Clients and thus Experience Numerous Benefits.
Everyone benefits from clearer communications.
- Employee Retention: Research shows the cost to replace an employee can near 50% of the employee’s salary.
- Improved Communication: Equals increased Productivity: Employees communicate a clear message the first time.
- Customer Retention: Clear communication allows clients to feel more confident they are understood.
- Employee Loyalty: Employee loyalty is company increased because Accent Modification is a personal investment.
- Individuals: Benefit from reduced stress, higher morale, and greater confidence.
- Greater Respect among Staff and Leaders: Employees spend less time repairing communication.
- Phone Customers: Your customers on the phone loose 85% of your accented employees’ communication because they can’t see your accented employee.
- Greater Profits: Efficient communicators build relationships that engage your clients and close deals.
- Increased Public Perception of Credibility: Effective communicators develop trust and belief in your services and products
Are you Unsure how to Approach your Employees about Accent Modification?
As you make decisions for your company, are you hesitant about communicating accent modification as an opportunity to candidates who may be sensitive about their communication skills? Are your international employees unaware of their communication barriers? Master Your Accent professionals help you, as the decision maker of your company, formulate the conversation about accent reduction as a professional development opportunity.
We walk you through the process of suggesting accent modification for employees. We are skilled in how to tactfully approach the subject of accent modification. We help you determine if accent modification is a program that fits the needs of your company. We help you identify candidates for the services. We are there to support you in the words to use for facilitating discussions about accent reduction.
Service Delivery
Our professional development programs can be delivered worldwide in a variety of settings, including:
- Corporate Conference Rooms
- Hotel Meeting Areas
- Conference Centers
- Private Offices
- Via Teleclass and Webclass
Program Options
Please contact us to find out about various program options and pricing.
- E-mail: cher@masteryouraccent.com
- Phone: (920) 362-2359
“Cher is a very gifted and dedicated therapist. Working with her improved my accent, but more importantly, my understanding of some aspects of English language that are hard to comprehend by someone who has it as a second language. Cher is exceptionally talented in guiding you through some subtle differences in pronunciation that make a huge difference. She has a very clear way of pointing out examples that are tremendously helpful. I would recommend Cher to any professional looking for accent modification. “
Ivanka Jankovic
Sofware Engineer
Ontario, Canada