3 Sure-fire Questions to Help Connect you with an Accent Specialist who’s Right for You

Start with Familiarity

Do you know where to start to find out whether an accent specialist is RIGHT for YOU?  This article will equip you with 3 questions to help connect you with an accent specialist who’s right for you.  I was thinking of all of my clients as I was heading out of Indianapolis towards Chicago after having attended my friend’s wedding.  Why was I thinking about my clients as I was driving down the highway, you’re wondering.  It had to do with familiarity.  I experienced a brief situation that caused feelings of familiarity as well as feeling of slight frustration.

An Example of my Own Experience with Familiarity

I was traveling down the highway not quite familiar with how to get to my next destination.  I was merging onto the highway after having been in a city of which I was unfamiliar.  I saw a truck with a logo that represented a company located in my home town.  Upon seeing this truck, I felt this sense of “Ahaaahhhh; everything’s alright.  I felt slightly more connected to that place at that point.  I was a little more at ease.

The same truck that caused a feeling of comfort and ease was the same truck that ended up being along side my car as we were driving.  Up ahead I noticed a sign telling me the number of miles before I would reach Chicago.  The speed at which we were driving and the specific location of our vehicles at the point where the truck merged, caused me to miss seeing the sign depicting the mileage to Chicago.  The truck was blocking the sign.  This caused me frustration. I have to admit; I was probably less frustrated during that particular coincidence than I would have been had the truck not have been bearing that familiar logo.

How to Limit Frustration when finding an Accent Reduction Specialist

Have you felt frustration when trying to find an accent modification trainer?  Let’s explore how familiarity can limit your frustration.  Familiarity is important when choosing an accent modification specialist.  The following questions can help you explore how familiar you feel with that professional.

3 Questions to Ask an Accent Specialist whom you may hire

These 3 questions will help connect you with an accent specialist who’s right for you.

  1. Do you feel this specialist has an investment in you?  In other words, when you read that specialist’s blogs and articles, and read their email communications, do you feel connected to them,?  Do you feel that they are looking at you in a holistic way?  As you know from being a consumer of services and products you know that when you feel a connection to the person who is proving the service or selling the product, you get more out of it.  A professional who’s invested in meeting your needs follows through when you have follow-up  questions, and when you request a specific action based on your needs.  Furthermore, they create an atmosphere where you’re comfortable asking questions and making requests to meet your needs.  That professional creates a relationship fostered for the open exchange of information.
  2. Does the specialist give you opportunities to get a sense of their personality?  For many people to feel comfortable seeking accent modification services, they want to know the personality of the person with whom they will be  sharing vulnerabilities.
  3. Do you get a sense of authenticity form the specialist? Perfectionism, when used as a valuable tool is very beneficial.  A provider who: attends to detail, strives to provide you with valuable service, and who focuses attention to your needs gets you the results you want.  Those qualities, taken to the extreme, can result in a professional who is very skilled at their craft, but who lacks the ability to personally connect and establish rapport.

Maximizing your Time and Energy

A professional who personally connects to you to understand the full extent of your needs, your personality, strengths, and areas of challenge  as well as attends to detail  and value for you,  is a trainer who ultimately maximizes the value of your time and energy.  At Master Your Accent, we invite you to comment or send questions regarding your experience with how you identify value with professionals.  We look forward to either starting or continuing our relationship with you in order to foster that feeling of familiarity.  Ask yourself the 3 questions to help connect you with an accent specialist who’s right for you.  Click on the comments section at the end of this article, scroll to the bottom, and leave a comment and/or question.  We’ll be happy to respond.

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